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/ Internet 53 / INTERNET53.iso / pc / software / windows / graphics / gif animator / uga3t.exe / setup.ins (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1999-01-15  |  89.5 KB  |  797 lines

  1. InstallSHIELD Software Coporation  (c) 1990-1997 
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  24. MEDIA
  32. _sdRECT
  33. right
  34. bottom
  35. _sdSIZE
  37. ISIOSVersionInfoSize
  38. ISIMajorVersion
  39. ISIMinorVersion
  40. ISIBuildNumber
  41. ISIPlatformId
  42. szISCSDVersion
  43. KERNEL32
  44. GetVersionEx
  45. SelectObject
  46. GetTextExtentPoint
  47. EnableWindow
  48. GetClassName
  49. GetDC
  50. GetDlgItem
  51. GetFocus
  52. GetWindowLong
  53. GetWindowRect
  54. GetWindowWord
  55. IsIconic
  56. IsWindow
  57. IsWindowEnabled
  58. MoveWindow
  59. USER    
  60. ReleaseDC
  61. SetFocus
  62. SetWindowText
  63. ShowWindow
  64. LoadString
  65. KERNEL
  66. GetModuleHandle
  67. GetClientRect
  68. SetWindowPos
  69. PostMessage
  70. ShowCursor
  71. SystemParametersInfo
  72. Trial!
  73. DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationRl
  74. SubPathRl
  75. ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\bl
  76. \Setup.exe
  77. DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationRl
  78. SubPathRl
  79. ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\bl
  80. \Setup.exe
  81. .bmp6
  82. Setup.bmp6
  83. Bgf.bmp6
  84. CompanyNameR0
  85. ErrorMoveDataR1
  86. ErrorUninstSetupR2
  87. ErrorVgaResolutionR3
  88. Ga_main.exe
  89. GIF Animator$
  90. Ulead b7
  91. Uga30a
  92. 3.0a$
  93. Full(
  94. FullTitleMainR?
  95. FullTitleCaptionBarR>
  96. FullTitleMainR@
  97. Upgrade(
  98. UpgradeTitleMainR?
  99. UpgradeTitleCaptionBarR>
  100. UpgradeTitleMainR@
  101. Trial(
  102. TrialTitleMainR?
  103. TrialTitleCaptionBarR>
  104. TrialTitleMainR@
  105. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  106. TryBeforeYouBuyTitleMainR?
  107. TryBeforeYouBuyTitleCaptionBarR>
  108. TryBeforeYouBuyTitleMainR@
  109. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  110. InstalledPath2
  111. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  112. AdministratorInstalled2
  113. 20206!
  114. NotAdministratorAccountR
  115. NotAdministratorAccountR
  116. Setup.bmp6
  117. Setup.bmp6
  118. Setup.bmp6
  119. .bmp6
  120. Bgf.bmp6
  121. 30003
  122. 30003!
  123. Upgrade(
  124. Noslip\$
  125. .isu%
  126. Noslip
  127. Noslip\$
  128. InstallingProgramFilesR
  129. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  130. Noslip
  131. Tourl.exea    
  132. Tourl.exeA
  133. rm.txt
  134. Full(
  135. Olreg.exe
  136. List.txt
  137. InstallingProgramFilesR
  138. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  139. Msgfiles%
  140. Msgfiles,
  141. Samples%
  142. Samples,
  143. Vft_plug%
  144. Vft_plug,
  145. Vfx_plug%
  146. Vfx_plug,
  147. InstallingProgramFilesR
  148. ReinstallingProgramFilesR
  149. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  150. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  151. U32file.cfg}
  152. U32file.cfg
  153. PreviewSoft
  154. Trial(
  155. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  156. PreviewsoftNumberR
  157. PreviewSoft\$
  158. .lic}
  159. PreviewSoft\$
  160. .prf}
  161. PreviewSoft\$
  162. .slc}
  163. PreviewSoft\Vboxc403.dll}
  164. .lic$
  165. .prf$
  166. .slc$
  167. Vboxc403.dlla
  168. Vboxc403.dll
  169. Vboxc403.dll
  170. .dll$
  171. .exex
  172. .exe$
  173. .dllx
  174. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  175. c.dll}
  176. License.html}
  177. c.dll$
  178. c.dll
  179. License.htmla
  180. License.htmlA
  181. c.dll$
  182. c.exex
  183. c.exe
  184. c.exe$
  185. c.dllx
  186. License.html
  187. Wininit.ini
  188. rename
  189. Noslip\$
  190. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  191. UninstallString2
  192. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  193. InstalledPath2
  194. Wininit.ini
  195. rename
  196. Noslip\$
  197. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  198. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  199. ComponentError returned the following data transfer error.
  200. Setup will now abort.
  201. Media Name: %s
  202. Component: %s
  203. File Group: %s
  204. File: %s
  205. Error Number: %ld
  206. Data Transfer Error Informationb
  207. Olreg.exe
  208. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  209. UserNameA
  210. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  211. UserCompanyA
  212. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  213. InstalledPathA
  214. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  215. ShortcutFolderA
  216. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  217. PhotoImpactPluginPathA
  218. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  219. PhotoshopPluginPathA
  220. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
  221. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
  222. PathA
  223. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  224. AdministratorInstalledA
  225. SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
  226. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  227. UninstallString2
  228.  -c"%
  229. IS32Inst.dll"$
  230. UninstallStringA
  231. Place the summary here.A
  232. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead WebRazor Proa
  233. Component22
  234. 10104!
  235. PleaseUninstallWebRazorProFullComponentR
  236. PleaseUninstallWebRazorProTrialComponentR
  237. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  238. InstalledPath2
  239. Olreg.exe
  240. OlregIsInUseR
  241. Ga_main.exe
  242. GamainIsInUseR
  243. 20206!
  244. Noslip\$
  245. f.isu
  246. Full,
  247. Noslip\$
  248. c.isu
  249. Try-Before-You-Buy
  250. Noslip\$
  251. t.isu
  252. Trial,
  253. Noslip\$
  254. c.isu
  255. Try-Before-You-Buy
  256. Trial(
  257. Trial(
  258. Trial(
  259. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  260. UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTrialR
  261. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  262. Trial(
  263. UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
  264. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  265. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  266. Trial(
  267. Full(
  268. UninstallFullThenInstallTrialR
  269. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  270. Full(
  271. UninstallFullThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
  272. Full(
  273. Upgrade(
  274. Trial(
  275. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  276. UninstallTrialThenInstallFullR
  277. Full(
  278. Upgrade(
  279. Full(
  280. DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationR
  281. SubPathR
  282. ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\b
  283. \Setup.exe
  284. NotAdministratorAccountR
  285. Programs\German,
  286. Programs\English
  287. .txt%
  288. Full(
  289. FullDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  290. Try and Buy(
  291. TryAndBuyDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  292. TrialDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
  293. DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg2R
  294. DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg3R
  295. U32cfg.dll
  296. 20206b
  297. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  298. U3dedit.exe
  299. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  300. U3dedit2.exe
  301. UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
  302. CheckDiskSpaceMsgR
  303. Typical(
  304. Custom(
  305. Compact(
  306. Typical!
  307. Compact,
  308. Typical,
  309. Custom
  310. Custom(
  311. StartCopyUserInformationR
  312.           b'
  313.           b(
  314. StartCopyProgramFolderR
  315.            b
  316. StartCopyShortcutFolderR
  317.            b+
  318. InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  319. InstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
  320. ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
  321. ReinstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
  322. Ulead Web Utilities\b4
  323. Trial(
  324. Order Now!
  325. ReadMe First>
  326. Uninstall
  327. HomeSiteR
  328. Ulead Web Utilitiese
  329. Full(
  330. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  331. Noslip\Tourl.exe
  332. WebUtilitiesComR
  333. /frwhere.htm$
  334. IconOrderNowR
  335. Noslip:
  336. HelpR
  337. Noslip\Tourl.exe
  338. WebUtilitiesComR
  339. HomeSiteR
  340. Noslip:
  341. Noslip\Tourl.exe
  342. WebUtilitiesComR
  343. /framani.htm$
  344. IconGIFAnimatorHomeR
  345. Noslip:
  346. Noslip\Tourl.exe
  347. WebUtilitiesComR
  348. /framfx4ga.htm$
  349. IconFXPluginsHomeR
  350. Noslip:
  351. Noslip\Tourl.exe
  352. WebUtilitiesComR
  353. /frwu_tour.htm$
  354. IconTutorialHomeR
  355. Noslip:
  356. Full(
  357. Olreg.exeZ
  358. IconRegistrationWzardR
  359. rm.txt%
  360. IconReadMeFirstR
  361. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  362. UninstallString2
  363. IconUninstallR
  364. InstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
  365. ReinstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
  366. Full(
  367. FullDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
  368. FullDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
  369. Try and Buy(
  370. TryAndBuyDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
  371. TryAndBuyDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
  372. TrialDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
  373. TrialDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
  374. Full(
  375. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
  376. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption2R
  377. rm.txt
  378. Notepad.exeb
  379. Olreg.exe
  380. DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
  381. rm.txt
  382. Notepad.exeb
  383. Congratulations1R
  384. Congratulations2R
  385. WaitAMomentMsgR
  386. .bmp6
  387. .bmp6
  388. WaitAMomentMsgR
  389. 20206m
  390. 19990114
  391. Instsvr.dll;
  392. CheckPIFile2
  393. Noslip
  394. Nbupinfo.dat
  395. Noslip%
  396. Noslip
  397. Nbupinfo.dat
  398. Noslip%
  399. SOFTWARE\Errora
  400. Error Message:
  401. This program can not be continued.
  402. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  403. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  404. Instsvr.dll;
  405. DetectForUpgrade2
  406. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  407. SOFTWARE\Errora
  408. Error Message:
  409. This program can not be continued.
  410. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  411. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  412. SOFTWARE\Result
  413. C:\Program Files
  414. ScriptCreatedComponents
  415. Instsvr.dll
  416. Instsvr.dll;
  417. GetUpgradeProduct2
  418. Instsvr.dll
  419. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  420. SOFTWARE\Result,
  421. SOFTWARE\Errora
  422. Error Message:
  423. This program can not be continued.
  424. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  425. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  426. SOFTWARE\Result
  427. UpgradeSelectTitleR
  428. UpgradeSelectDlgPromptR
  429. Instsvr.dll
  430. Instsvr.dll;
  431. GetUpgradeProduct2
  432. Instsvr.dll
  433. SOFTWARE\Resulta
  434. SOFTWARE\Errora
  435. Error Message:
  436. This program can not be continued.
  437. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  438. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  439. SOFTWARE\Result
  440. NoneSelectonSelectedR
  441. SpecifyInstalledFolder1R
  442. SpecifyInstalledFolder2R
  443. Instsvr.dll
  444. Instsvr.dll;
  445. IsUPInstalledInTheFolder2
  446. Instsvr.dll
  447. 20206
  448. Instsvr.dll
  449. Instsvr.dll;
  450. IsInstalledInTheFolder2
  451. Instsvr.dll
  452. SorryCannotFoundR
  453. SOFTWARE\Errora
  454. Error Message:
  455. This program can not be continued.
  456. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  457. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  458. Instsvr.dll
  459. Instsvr.dll;
  460. IsInstalled2
  461. Instsvr.dll
  462. SOFTWARE\Errora
  463. Error Message:
  464. This program can not be continued.
  465. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  466. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  467. Instsvr.dll
  468. Instsvr.dll;
  469. IsInstalledInTheFolder2
  470. Instsvr.dll
  471. SOFTWARE\Errora
  472. Error Message:
  473. This program can not be continued.
  474. Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
  475. SOFTWARE\ErrorY
  476. Setup.bmp6
  477. Setup.bmp6
  478. Setup.bmp6
  479. .bmp6
  480. Bgf.bmp6
  481. 30001
  482. 30001!
  483. 30002
  484. 30002!
  485. 30005
  486. 30005!
  487. 30005
  488. 30005!
  489. 30005
  490. 30005!
  491. 30005a
  492. Error in defining dialogA
  493. 30005
  494. Dialog failedA
  495. Add/Removing components of b?
  496.  was completed successfully.*
  497. Reintalling components of b?
  498.  was completed successfully.*
  499. DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationR
  500. SubPathR
  501. ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\b
  502. \Setup.exe
  503. .bmp6
  504. Setup.bmp6
  505. Bgf.bmp6
  506. Bg.bmp6
  507. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  508. InstalledPath2
  509. The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
  510. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  511. AdministratorInstalled2
  512. The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
  513. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  514. UserName2
  515. The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
  516. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  517. UserCompany2
  518. The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
  519. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  520. PhotoshopPluginPath2
  521. 10104!
  522. Ubtnanyo.8bf!
  523. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  524. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  525. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  526. Ubtnrcto.8bf!
  527. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  528. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  529. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
  530. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
  531. Trial(
  532. Noslip\$
  533. c.isu
  534. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  535.  Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
  536. UninstallerR
  537. .exe%
  538. Noslip\$
  539. c.isu" -a -c"%
  540. IS32Inst.dll"$
  541. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  542.  Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
  543. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  544. Noslip\$
  545. t.isu
  546. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  547.  Trial Version now. Please wait.
  548. UninstallerR
  549. .exe%
  550. Noslip\$
  551. t.isu" -a -c"%
  552. IS32Inst.dll"$
  553. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  554.  Trial Version now. Please wait.
  555. Full(
  556. Noslip\$
  557. t.isu
  558. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  559.  Trial Version now. Please wait.
  560. UninstallerR
  561. .exe%
  562. Noslip\$
  563. t.isu" -a -c"%
  564. IS32Inst.dll"$
  565. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  566.  Trial Version now. Please wait.
  567. Noslip\$
  568. c.isu
  569. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  570.  Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
  571. UninstallerR
  572. .exe%
  573. Noslip\$
  574. c.isu" -a -c"%
  575. IS32Inst.dll"$
  576. Setup is uninstalling the b8
  577.  Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
  578. Full(
  579. 20206!
  580. Trial(
  581. Try-Before-You-Buy(
  582. 20206!
  583. Setup has detected that you have installed the b8
  584.  Full Version.
  585. Before you install the $
  586.  Trial Version, you have to uninstall the $
  587.  Full Version.
  588. Setup was canceled.*
  589. Upgrade(
  590. 20206!
  591. Upgrade(
  592. 20206!
  593. edit(
  594. SETUPSTR862R
  595. Disk Space0
  596. temp.txt
  597. temp.txt
  598. In function '%s':
  599. Unable to create dialog.
  600. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB.
  601. Errorb
  602. _sdSIZEa
  603. %s-%ldb
  604. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
  605. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  606. USER!
  607. RegisteredOwner2
  608. RegisteredOrganization2
  609. ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA
  610. szISCSDVersion2
  611. SdRegisterUserEx!
  612. ResultA
  613. szNameA
  614. szCompanyA
  615. szSerialA
  616. SdRegisterUserEx!
  617. szNameA
  618. szCompanyA
  619. szSerialA
  620. ResultA
  621. SdRegisterUser!
  622. ResultA
  623. szNameA
  624. szCompanyA
  625. SdRegisterUser!
  626. szNameA
  627. szCompanyA
  628. ResultA
  629. SdConfirmRegistration!
  630. ResultA
  631. SdConfirmRegistration!
  632. ResultA
  633. SdConfirmNewDir!
  634. ResultA
  635. SdConfirmNewDir!
  636. ResultA
  637. SdAskDestPath!
  638. ResultA
  639. szDirA
  640. SdAskDestPath!
  641. szDirA
  642. ResultA
  643. SdWelcome!
  644. ResultA
  645. SdWelcome!
  646. ResultA
  647. SdShowInfoList!
  648. ResultA
  649. SdShowInfoList!
  650. ResultA
  651. SdSelectFolder!
  652. ResultA
  653. szFolderA
  654.                 $
  655. / : * ? " < > |*
  656. Severe
  657. SdSelectFolder!
  658. szFolderA
  659. ResultA
  660. SdSetupType!
  661. ResultA
  662. szDirA
  663. SdSetupType!
  664. Typical,
  665. Custom,
  666. Compact
  667. szDirA
  668. ResultA
  669. SdSetupTypeEx!
  670. ResultA
  671. SdSetupTypeEx/
  672. SdSetupTypeEx/
  673. SdSetupTypeEx!
  674. ResultA
  675. SdShowAnyDialog!
  676. ResultA
  677. SdShowAnyDialog!
  678. ResultA
  679. SdDisplayTopics!
  680. ResultA
  681. SdDisplayTopics!
  682. ResultA
  683. SdShowMsg!
  684. SdShowMsg/
  685. _sdRECTa
  686. _sdRECTa
  687. bottom2
  688. SdAskOptionsList!
  689. ResultA
  690. ComponentA
  691. SdAskOptionsList!
  692. SdAskOptionsList!
  693. ComponentA
  694. ResultA
  695. SdShowFileMods!
  696. ResultA
  697. nSelectionA
  698. SdShowFileMods!
  699. nSelectionA
  700. ResultA
  701. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  702. ResultA
  703. szEdit1A
  704. SdShowEdit1!
  705. szEdit1A
  706. ResultA
  707. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  708. ResultA
  709. szEdit1A
  710. szEdit2A
  711. SdShowEdit2!
  712. szEdit1A
  713. szEdit2A
  714. ResultA
  715. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  716. ResultA
  717. szEdit1A
  718. szEdit2A
  719. szEdit3A
  720. SdShowEdit3!
  721. szEdit1A
  722. szEdit2A
  723. szEdit3A
  724. ResultA
  725. SdAskOptions!
  726. ResultA
  727. ComponentA
  728. SdAskOptions!
  729. ComponentA
  730. ResultA
  731. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  732. ResultA
  733. ComponentA
  734. szDirA
  735. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  736. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  737. szDirA
  738. ComponentA
  739. ResultA
  740. SdComponentMult!
  741. ResultA
  742. ComponentA
  743. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  744. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  745. SdComponentMult!
  746. ComponentA
  747. ResultA
  748. SdOptionsButtons!
  749. ResultA
  750. SdOptionsButtons!
  751. ResultA
  752. SdBitmap!
  753. ResultA
  754. SdBitmap!
  755. ResultA
  756. SdComponentDialog2!
  757. ResultA
  758. ComponentA
  759. SdComponentDialog2!
  760. SdComponentDialog2!
  761. ComponentA
  762. ResultA
  763. SdComponentDialogEx
  764. SdComponentDialogEx!
  765. SdComponentDialogEx!
  766. SdComponentDialog!
  767. ResultA
  768. ComponentA
  769. szDirA
  770. SdComponentDialog!
  771. SdComponentDialog!
  772. szDirA
  773. ComponentA
  774. ResultA
  775. SdLicense!
  776. ResultA
  777. ResultA
  778. SdStartCopy!
  779. ResultA
  780. ResultA
  781. SdFinishReboot!
  782. ResultA
  783. BootOptionA
  784. ResultA
  785. BootOptionA
  786. ResultA
  787. ResultA
  788. BootOptionA
  789. SdFinish!
  790. ResultA
  791. bOpt1A
  792. bOpt2A
  793. ResultA
  794. bOpt1A
  795. bOpt2A
  796. 5.00.000